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Home > Publications > Triunfos barrocos

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   Collection: Triunfos barrocos  Serial Number: 5
   ISBN: 978-84-17429-40-9

Title: La fiesta barroca. Portugal Hispánico y el Imperio Oceánico
Authorship: Chiva Beltrán, Juan
 González Tornel, Pablo
 Mínguez Cornelles, Víctor Manuel
 Rodríguez Moya, María Inmaculada
Pages: 359
Size: 25 x 34
Edition: 1 (2018)
Price: 70,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Tapa dura
Support: Paper
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In ten chapters, this book explains ceremonial and ephemeral art production in Portugal and its empire during the years when the Portuguese and Spanish crowns operated as a union with the same monarch (1580-1640), highlighting the festivities at the triumphal entrances of Philip II and Philip III into Lisbon or their funeral rites in the principal cities of Portugal. However, the volume has tried to go beyond these chronological barriers and also explain the relations between the two crowns from a ritual and celebratory point in the Avis and Braganza periods: arranged marriages, family funerals and exchanges of princesses on the River Caya. Particular attention has been paid into the way American and Asian cities fitted into this union of crowns and the ritual operation of power centres as far away from Lisbon and Madrid as Salvador de Bahia, Goa, Macao and Malacca. The fifth volume in the Baroque Triumphs collection presents an extensive catalogue of 200 pictures helping readers visualise lost architectural elements and Baroque ceremonies through engravings, books, drawings, paintings and watercolours.

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