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   Collection: Economia i gestió  Serial Number: 11
   ISBN: 978-84-17429-96-6

Title: Reflexions sobre l'economia valenciana. II Workshop d'Economia Valenciana
Authorship: Ginés Vilar, Miguel (ed.lit.)
 Seguí Mas, Elies (ed.lit.)
Pages: 170
Size: 16 X 24
Edition: 1 (2019)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: Paper

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The Valencian economy works basically thanks to an extensive network of medium and small businesses. For decades, our traditional sectors have been dynamic and open to external markets, which has brought wealth, welfare and opportunities for our citizens. Nowadays, because of other reasons as well as the economic problems, many of the driving forces of Valencian companies have disappeared or become seriously weakened, bringing our productive model as a society into deep crisis. The almost total destruction of several industrial sectors, the disappearance of most of our own financial institutions and the loss of competitiveness in international markets have revealed the severe difficulties that our business model is suffering from. This second workshop aims to identify the challenges and opportunities faced by Valencian businesses and to propose a broad range of different actions with the aim of reinventing a new productive model for our society. The new model that must once again be innovative, open to the world and socially responsible.

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