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   Collection: Aldea Global  Serial Number: 6
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-282-3

Title: Televisión de proximidad en Europa
Experiencias de descentralización en la era digital
Authorship: De Moragas Spà, Miquel (ed.lit.)
 Garitaonandía Garnacho, Carmelo (ed.lit.)
 Arvidson, Peter
 Bardou-Boisnier, Sylvie
 Castelló Cogollos, Enric
 Collard, Suzy
Pages: 428
Size: 16 x 24
Edition: 1 (1999)
Price: 26,44 €
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: paper

We can observe the expansion of the multiple local television experiences in Europe. There are hundreds of regional and local broadcasting stations, although with different degrees and developments. This book is an attempt to analyse those models and decentralisation policies that support the spread of what we call "proximity TV" in each of the EU countries from a local perspective. Over twenty experts in communication analyse their legal frame, the structure and their financial support, as well as programmatic strategies, use of minority languages and the impact of new communication technologies.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

 Cormack, Mike
 De Moragas Spà, Miquel
 Fabris, Hans Heinz
 Garitaonandía Garnacho, Carmelo
 Hazelkorn, Ellen
 Jankowski, Nicholas W.
 Jorge Braumann, Pedro
 Kleinsteuber, Hans J.
 López López, Bernat
 Nobre Correia, José-Manuel
 Pailliart, Isabelle
 Panagiotopoulou, Roy
 Porro, Renato
 Richeri, Giuseppe
 Risquete, Jaume
 Rui Cádima, Francisco
 Schoorlemmer, Monique K. H.
 Siegert, Gabriele
 Thomass, Barbara
 Tufte, Thomas
 Varis, Tapio

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Summary of purchase
Import total:
0,00 €

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