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   Collection: Humanitats  Serial Number: 44
   ISBN: 978-84-15443-56-8

Title: España y su historia. La generación de 1948
Authorship: Prades Plaza, Sara
Pages: 392
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2014)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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The historical discourse in the construction of the political-cultural nationalist project of the generation of 1948 identified the present of Spanish reality with its historical tradition, so the conclusions reached acquired a value of legitimacy of some of the ideological principles of Francoism. The history contributed essentially to the formation of the different ideas of Spain that in that moment coexisted, trying, therefore, to write the history to define the nation.
This volume constitutes an essential contribution to the understanding of the political, cultural and intellectual context of the moment, when diverse political-cultural groups fought in order to win greater levels of power. Thus, this work deepens in crucial years for Franco regime from the fields of political and cultural history thanks to a well-founded investigation in multitude of historical sources.

Video entrevista a l'autora en la fira del llibre de València 2015 / Fotos de la presentació en la fira del llibre de Castelló 2015 / Ressenya Cuadernos de historia contemporánea

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