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Home > Publications > Educació


   Collection: Educació  Serial Number: 14
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-694-4

Title: Adaptació curricular. Aplicació informàtica NAC-ACS II
Authorship: Julián Marzá, Juan Pedro
 Saborit Mallol, Cristóbal
Pages: 262
Size: 29 x 21
Edition: 2 (2009)
Price: 38,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper

Manual, CD-ROM and assessment book about EEC addressed to those professionals that deal with students with learning disabilities ¿from childhood education to 2nd of ESO. Assessed test for which the software conducts a search, it establishes the curricular level and produces graphs for each subscale. The work allows to obtain a quick assessment of the NAC. It also includes an evolutionary scale of child development, addressed to students with a curricular-cognitive level less than four years old. This scale allows to know its evolutionary level and to establish an individual development software. Enriched and updated version of the NAC-ACS.It works with Windows and Acces

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