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   Collection: Amèrica  Serial Number: 26
   ISBN: 978-84-15444-00-8

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Title: España y América en el Bicentenario de las Independencias
I Foro Editorial de Estudios Hispánicos y Americanistas
Authorship: Casajús, Lucía (ed.)
 Fernández Beltrán, Francisco José (ed.)
Pages: 1022
Size: 9.70Mb
Edition: 1 (2012)
Price: 12,90 €
Language: Espanyol
Support: e-Book - PDF
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On the occasion of the Bicentenary of the American Independence, Unión de Editoriales Universitarias Españoles and Instituto Cervantes assembled in 2010 the main representatives of the University students in Human and Social sciences in order to accomplish a retrospective view on the relations between Spain and America throughout the last two centuries with regard to the subjects of history, languages, literature, politics, culture, and communication. The present volume includes the proceedings of this Transatlantic meeting and a CD including more than 40 communications.

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