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   Collection: Amèrica  Serial Number: 24
   ISBN: 978-84-15443-02-5

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Title: La Corona en llamas
Conflictos económicos y sociales en las Independencias Iberoamericanas
Authorship: Jaúregui, Luis (ed.)
 Serrano Ortega, José Antonio (ed.)
 García De León, Antonio
 Jaúregui, Luis
 Serrano Ortega, José Antonio
Pages: 341
Size: 19.04Mb
Edition: 1 (2010)
Price: 9,45 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF
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The celebration of the bicentenary of the Latin American Independence is a magnificent opportunity to analyze issues that, over 200 years, traditional historiography has ignored. Among other matters, in this book it is examined the aspects about the action by plebeians, militia or patricians in Buenos Aires and Venezuela, social injustice in Veracruz, the ways of survival by women during the war, or the way in which historiography has dealt with womankind that took part in the emancipation.

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