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   Collection: e-Treballs d'informàtica i tecnologia  Serial Number: 17
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-976-1

Title: POLYMAR 2013
IST International Conference in Polymers with special Focus in Early Stage Researchers
Authorship: Cabedo Mas, Luis (ed.lit.)
 Lagaron Cabello, José Maria (ed.lit.)
Pages: 223
Size: 10.57Mb
Edition: 1 (2013)
Price: 4,30 €
Language: Anglés
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF

The POLYMAR 2013 conference is, to the best of our knowledge, the first conference in Polymers ever to be made on a boat across the Mediterranean Sea with special focus on Early Stage Researchers (ESR) with no nationality restriction. Although the conference is intended primarily for young polymer scientists including young group leaders, permanent researchers starting their own groups, young academics being currently part of a group, post-docs and PhD and Master students, in fact, anyone working with polymers is welcome to join the conference. To provide an equal opportunity forum, there is no invited or keynote talks, everyone is at the same level and everyone has a say.

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