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   Collection: Humanitats  Serial Number: 48
   ISBN: 978-84-15444-40-4

Title: Cronología de la neolengua española
Authorship: Martín Corvillo, José Manuel
Pages: 166
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2015)
Price: 10,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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Inspired by the 1984 newspeak, George Orwell's work, the author analyses nearly sixty statements of leaders and media related to the factual powers from 2008 to 2015. This accessible, agile and sharp essay allows relating the terms subtly introduced since the outbreak of the crisis in the mental universe of the Spanish society with political decisions executed at that time. Decisions taken under pressure from non-elected entities as ECB, IMF and debt-rating agencies, which have also contributed to the fact that in 2014 only 8.6 % of the world population owned more than 80% of the wealth, according to the Credit Suisse bank. A reflection on the language used by legislators and the media to answer an essential question: Is the crisis an accidental fact or, on the contrary, is it a juncture generated and exploited to legitimise a regime change in favour of large corporations?

Video Fira del Llibre de València 2016

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