Title: | Tragèdies silenciades Repressió franquista i maquis a les comarques del nord del País Valencià | | Authorship: | González Devís, Raül | Pages: | 226 | Size: | 17 X 24 | Edition: | 2 (2017) | Price: | 17,00 € | Language: | Català | Binding: | Rústica cosida | Support: | Paper | Other formats: |  | The repression under the Franco regime in the guerrilla war in the northern areas of Castelló province is a story that has been silenced and not sufficiently researched. The human tragedies and the difficulties in locating and handling the sources led to the need to write a book to help us understand our dark and violent past. As well as explaining the strategies, agents and forms of the machinery of Francoist repression, the author describes the most flagrant cases of Francoist violence, with fatal consequences, affecting these regions between 1945 and 1951. Real crimes of State occurred which, as well as crushing sectors potentially hostile to the regime, whether or not they were guerrilla fighters, and annihilating political pluralism in the area, managed to ensure the stabilisation of Franco’s dictatorial system, confirming a hegemony and fear that are still present today. | Il·lustracions en blanc i negre | Fotos Presentació de Tragèdies silenciades a Vilafranca (abril 2016) / Cazarabet conversa amb... Raül González Devís |