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Home > Publications > Estudis sobre la traducci

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   Collection: Estudis sobre la traducció  Serial Number: 22
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-27-5

Title: Les llengües minoritzades en l'ordre postmonolingüe / Minoritized languages under a postmonolingual order / Las lenguas minorizadas en el orden posmonolingüe
Authorship: Jiménez Salcedo, Juan
 Monzó Nebot, Esther
Pages: 282
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2017)
Price: 33,00 €
Language: Diverses llengües
Binding: Impressió sota demanda
Support: Paper

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For centuries, languages have been the backbones of political spaces and creative subjectivities. Languages identify cultures, grant nationalities and define the limits of authority. However, the 21st century is defined by a normal coexistence of several languages in shared spaces. Reality urges us to challenge a monolingual spirit that hinders our social, political, cultural and personal evolution. This volume collects contributions that encourage us to enjoy our postmonolingual condition while critically examining the restraints imposed by monolingualism.

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
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