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Home > Publications > Psique


   Collection: Psique  Serial Number: 21
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-57-2

Title: Emociones y salud. Una mirada con perspectiva de género
Authorship: Cifre Gallego, Eva (ed.lit.)
 Pastor Verchili, María del Carmen (ed.lit.)
 Adelantado Renau, Mireia
 Aguirre García-Carpintero, Arecia
 Ardit Giménez, Aurora
 Arrufat Gallén, Vita Ascensió
Pages: 160
Size: 17 X 24
Edition: 1 (2017)
Price: 12,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
Other formats:

The gender perspective should cut across all areas of health to ensure effective equality between men and women. However, it has still been covered very little by academic research, particularly in the field of health and emotions. This book includes chapters and summaries by experts from Spain and abroad researching or working on various topics from different contexts and different academic viewpoints (psychology, communication, art, literature, architecture, law and others). The results conclude that the gender perspective should be included in research and interventions in different scientific disciplines and professional areas of health. With this, we hope to stimulate the critical conscience of society to contribute to the transformation it needs to make it fair, caring and equal.

 Artero García, Enrique
 Ayala Tajuelo, Vicente
 Ballester Arnal, Rafael
 Bauzà Amengual, Maria de Lluc
 Beltrán Valls, Maria Reyes
 Bethencourt Pérez, Juan Manuel
 Cantera Espinosa, Leonor M.
 Capdevila Seder, Ana
 Castañeiras Gebrikian, Claudia
 Castellano Badenas, Christian
 Castro Calvo, Jesús
 Chiva Bartoll, Óscar
 Cifre Gallego, Eva
 Coo Calcagni, Cristian
 Crespo Delgado, Elena
 de Ángel Martín, Luís
 Díaz Ferrer, Sandra
 Duran-Sindreu Terol, Santiago
 Escribá Maroto, Almudena
 Esteva Cantó, Magdalena
 Fenollosa Amposta, Carmen
 Fernández, Laura
 Fernández Santaella, M. Carmen
 Ferrer Pérez, Victoria Aurora
 Font Oliver, Maria Antònia
 Francisco Amat, Andrea
 Fuentes Sánchez, Nieves
 Fumaz Guarné, Clara Isabel
 García Pérez, Livia
 García Barba, Marta
 Garrigues Giménez, María Amparo
 Gil Llario, María Dolores
 Giménez García, Cristina
 Gómez Martínez, Sandra
 González Ramón, Encarnación
 González Álvarez, Julio
 Grau Alberola, Ester
 Herrero Rudó, Marta
 Ibáñez fernández, Ignacio
 Ibar Jiménez, Raquel
 Ingla Pol, Maria
 Jaén Parrilla, Irene
 Jara Jiménez, María Pilar
 Lameiras Fernández, Maria
 Legaz Arrese, Alejandro
 Llorens Gumbau, Susana
 López Curbelo, Marisela
 López Penadés, Raúl
 Lucas Adell, Ignacio
 March Llull, Sebastià
 Marco Salvador, José Heliodoro
 Marín Manrique, Antonio
 Martí Franch, Yanira
 Mata Martín, José Luis
 Mateu Gil, Mª Luisa
 Matud Aznar, Mª Pilar
 Milla Martínez, M Pilar
 Moliner Miravet, María Lidón
 Moliner Urdiales, Diego
 Nebot Garcia, Juan Enrique
 nebot prat, Almudena Vanesa
 Oliver Rodríguez, Juan Carlos
 Ortega Roldán, Blanca
 Ortega Romero, Mar
 Osma López, Jorge
 Pallás Álvarez, Lorena
 Panisello Chavarria, Mª Luisa
 Pastor Gosálbez, Mª Inmaculada
 Pastor Martínez, Mª. de los Ángeles
 Pastor Verchili, María del Carmen
 Peral Romero, Ana Belén
 Poch Riquer, Laura
 Portella Moll, Maria Jesús
 Reverter Bañón, Sonia
 Rodríguez Arrastia, Miguel Jesús
 Rodríguez Ruiz, Sonia
 Ropero Padilla, Carmen
 Rosel Remírez, Jesús Fermín
 Ruiz Palomino, Estefanía
 Salmerón Sánchez, Pedro
 Sánchez Recio, Raquel
 Sánchez López, M. Pilar
 Sánchez Pantoja Belenguer, Núria
 Tiana Sastre, Thaïs
 Tormo Irún, María Pilar
 Úbeda, Salvador
 Vass, Sandra
 Vázquez Miraz, Pedro
 Vidal Nadal, María Rosario
 Vila Castellar, Jaime
 Villanueva Blasco, Víctor José

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