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Home > Publications > Estudis Filològics

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   Collection: Estudis Filològics  Serial Number: 6
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-353-0

Title: Methodology and New Technologies in Languages for Specific Purposes
Authorship: Fortanet Cervera, Inmaculada (ed.)
 Palmer Silveira, Juan Carlos (ed.)
 Posteguillo Gómez, Santiago (ed.)
 Acedo Domínguez, Guadalupe
 Alberola Colomer, Pilar
 Alcón Soler, Eva
Pages: 440
Size: 15 x 21
Edition: 1 (2001)
Price: 24,00 €
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper

This important work collects studies about methodological aspects in LSP research, not only in English but also in other languages. It is a study about strategies when teaching LSP, the introduction of new technologies in that teaching, methodological specific proposals, etc.

 Algarra, Vicky
 Almagro Estaban, Ana
 Alméndarez López, Isidro
 Álvarez De Mon, Inmaculada
 Arnó Maciá, Elisabeth
 Barahona Fuentes, Claudia
 Bocanegra Valle, Ana
 Bosch Abarca, Elena
 Carbajosa Palmero, Natalia
 Celis Sánchez, Ángela
 Cruz Martínez, Marisol
 Cumbreño Espada, Ana Belén
 Dinapoli, Rusell
 Edwards Rokowski, Patricia
 Escobar Montero, Manuela
 Gámez Fuentes, María José
 García Coll, Juan Francisco
 Giménez Moreno, Rosa
 González Ardeo, Joseba M.
 Gracía Sánchez, María Elena
 Guzmán Gil, Eva
 Hernández Medina, Juan José
 Koller Kaiser, Marta
 Lerchundi Barañano, María Angeles
 Linde López, Ángeles
 Máñez Rodríguez, Pascual
 Martin Wilson, James
 Millán Valenzuela, Margarita
 Montalt Resurreccion, Vicente Francisco
 Moreno Moreno, Paloma
 Narbona Reina, Beatriz
 Osório Cardoso Cunha, María Ivone
 Palmer Silveira, Juan Carlos
 Pérez Cañado, María Luisa
 Ramírez Gálvez, Belén
 Rea Rizzo, Camino
 Redondo Madrigal, Marto
 Rico García, Mercedes
 Rodríguez, Carmen
 Safont Jordà, María del Pilar
 Salazar Campillo, Patricia
 Sanz Álava, Inmaculada
 Sanz Gil, Mercedes
 Sanz Miguel, Concepción
 Serra Escorihuela, Rosaura
 Skorczynska, Hanna
 Usó Juan, Ester
 Vicente Pérez, María Jesús

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Summary of purchase
Import total:
0,00 €

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