Fundació Càtedra Enric Soler i Godes |
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L'Escola Moderna. El Moviment Freinet valencià (1962-1977)
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L'impacte de les reformes educatives de l'etapa democràtica 1975-2006
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Josep Francesc Boix Senmartí. El mestre que estimava la natura i la poesia (1901-1933)
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The teacher Francesc Boix Senmartí (1... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 9,00€ EPUB: 9,00€
La represa del moviment Freinet (1964-1974)
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Different teaching professionals from ... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€ EPUB: 8,60€
Matilde Escuder. Maestra libertaria y racionalista
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Matilde Escuder Vicente (1913-2006) h... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Les mestres freinetistes dels anys trenta
The 29th International Meeting of Freinet Educators (IROFE), organised by the People’s Schools Cooperative Movement in Leon in 2012 under the slo... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Mestres de la impremta. El moviment Freinet Valencià (1931-1939)
The story of those teachers of the thirties who committed themselves with passion to change the school, to renew the atmosphere of the classroom ... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Antoni Porcar i Candel (1904-1947)
Porcar was a precursor among us, in the early 20th century, in the introduction of pedagogical renewal ideas that arrived to Europe. The contact ... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Enric Soler i Godes. Una aproximació bibliogràfica (1923-1993). Nova antologia d'articles
The personality of the unrepeatable from Castelló, Enric Soler y Godes, his condition of baseline pedagogue within the pedagogical renovation mov... PVP: 16,00€ PDF: 6,90€
Mestres, escoles i periòdics
The Fundació Càtedra Enric Soler i Godes brings to light with this book a part of the rich personal archive of this master, concretely documentat... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Maestros, escuelas y periódicos
The Fundació Càtedra Enric Soler i Godes brings to light with this book a part of the rich personal archive of this master, concretely documentat... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Pàgines vives quaderns Freinet
Freinet techniques showed the desire of pedagogical renovation by teachers of Second Spanish Republic, giving priority to reading skills and awak... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Sembra Quadern Escolar
School Nº1 of San Joan de Moró implemented in 1936 an innovative educational project based in the Freinet pedagogic techniques, which allowed the... PVP: 15,00€
L'escola i la cultura. Antologia de textos
The relationship between school and culture remains the core that explains teacher's life and activities. It remains also an evidence of our País... PVP: 17,00€