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Estadística aplicada a la criminología y seguridad
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Nowadays it is almost impossible n... PVP: 14,00€ PDF: 7,00€
Problemas resueltos de Antropometría aplicada al diseño de producto
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... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 7,50€
EACA 2022. XVII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones. XVII Meeting on Computer algebra and Applications
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Introducción a la Ingeniería Gráfica. Teoría y Ejercicios. Parte I
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... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 6,00€
Problemas resueltos de mecánica de máquinas y estructuras
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Teoría del ángulo sólido
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People beginning mathematical researc... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 6,00€
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An explanation of the curren... PVP: 16,00€
Estadística y Optimización (Grado Videojuegos): Prácticas resueltas con R-Commander y PHPSimplex
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This is a manual of statistical and o... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Marine automation
Memory USB with the presentations (Video + PDF).
The design of advanced underwater robotic solutions requires the integrated work of multidisci... PVP: 35,00€
Problemas resueltos sobre el cálculo de longitudes, áreas y volúmenes
Integration has proved to be an indispensable tool for solving diverse problems faced in higher education in science subjects: mathematics, physi... PVP: 34,00€ PDF: 14,60€
Mobile Manipulators: terrestrial, marine and aerial domains
The robotics researchs groups at University Of Jaume-I (UJI) have experience inorganising summer schools in different robotics context since 2001... PVP: 35,00€
Antropometría aplicada al diseño de producto
After a first introductory chapter about basic foundations of anthropometry and its importance in the design of products, the second chapter show... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 4,30€
Integración de funciones con parte entera
An outlook about the study and applications of the step functions that could be used as a textbook and sourcebook, but also is suitable to practi... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Applied topology: recent progress for computer science, fuzzy mathematics and economics
Over the last decades, topology has become a powerful tool to undertake different problems related to a wide spectrum of applied sciences beyond ... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
La construcción de los logaritmos
The logarithm borns as a response to the impossibility of calculating a power with a decimal exponent, in a way that solutions to these exponenti... PVP: 6,00€ PDF: 2,60€
Gestión ambiental en la empresa
Environmental management in enterprises has become increasingly important due to a more restrictive legislation in environmental matters, and a g... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
2ª conferencia AGILE-SPAIN CAS2011
The outcome of CAS2011 Conference, is covered in the presently volume, which brought together more than 200 professionals concerned with Agile So... PVP: 7,00€ PDF: 3,00€
Desarrollos en serie de los productos de algunas funciones especiales
Works from the Computer Science and Technology Collection in Jaume I University incorporates this manual in which a specific procedure is develop... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 4,30€
Problemas resueltos de sistemas mecánicos para diseño industrial
Technical training in the field of mechanical systems on the part of undergraduates studying Engineering Degree in Industrial Design and Product ... PVP: 11,00€ PDF: 4,75€
Problemes d'electrònica digital
Consist of four thematic blocs- digital dispositives, combinator circuits, sequencial circuits and microcontroller's programming- this work tries... PVP: 10,00€
Manual de seguridad e higiene industrial para la formación en ingeniería
Basic text for subjects related to the security and industrial hygiene in undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the industrial branch. The co... PVP: 12,00€
Manual de seguridad e higiene industrial para la formación en ingeniería.
Basic text for subjects related to the security and industrial hygiene in undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the industrial branch. The co... PDF: 5,15€
Problemes d'electrònica analògica
Structured in five different blocks (diodes, radio, powerful electronic devices, operational amplifier, The Linear Power Supply units), this boo... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Nuevos retos en materiales poliméricos
This work is divided into five units, containing the 70 contributions presented to the 4th National Congress of Young Polymer Researchers. It pre... PVP: 12,00€
Aprende SQL
SQL language is utilized in most of the present management systems about data base management. In order to introduce the reader in the use of thi... PVP: 14,00€ PDF: 6,00€
New advances in space-time random field modelling
The theoretical resources of spatial statistics have to date been insufficient for creating generic solutions to the problems that they can solve... PVP: 15,00€
Dibujo Industrial
Other formats:  PVP: 50,00€
Avances en las infraestructruas de datos espaciales
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) is a fairly recent field that has soon yielded very interesting results, as shown by the studies published in ... PVP: 12,00€
Mantenimiento mecánico de máquinas
The text is practice-directed and presents schematic and concrete descriptions of procedures, and provides a large number of figures which help t... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Problemas resueltos de centros de gravedad y momentos de inercia
Problem solving is extremely detailed with a considerable number of steps and drawings, in such a way that the reader will be able to work autono... PVP: 7,00€ PDF: 3,00€
XIX Olimpiada iberoamericana de matemáticas
This book comprises Olympiad regulations, history, participating countries, programme of activities, international jury, medal tables and, princi... PVP: 16,00€
Matemáticas para el siglo XXI
This book presents a compilation of the plenary lectures given by Claudi Alsina, Mariano Martínez, Paulo C. Pinto Carvalho, Antonio Pérez, Luis R... PVP: 24,00€
Manual de control estadístico de calidad: teoría y aplicaciones
Quality is nowadays defined as the total satisfaction of every part of the society¿s fabric. Companies have now incorporated quality policies, no... PDF: 6,45€
Spatial point process molling and its applications
This book of proceedings is published to put it available to the assistants to the International one Conference on Spatial Pont Process Modelling... PVP: 15,00€
Problemas resueltos de máquinas eléctricas rotativas
Just as already the authors in the book did it resolved Problems of cirucuitos magnetic and transforming, the problems recopilados, are ordered f... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Problemas resueltos de circuitos magnéticos y transformadores
The problems recopilados, of great interest, ordered by growing order of difficulty, are presented jointly with the respective solutions. The re... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Aprende Microsoft Access
No another book exists on Access that, with 170 pages and a price enormously assequible, permit al reader to be introduced gradually in the manag... PVP: 9,00€
Concurrencia y sistemas distribuidos
In extensive sense, the content of the book treats aspects related to the concurrent systems and distributed of investigators or lines of emergin... PVP: 20,00€
Opengl en fichas: Una introducción práctica
OpenGL is the graphic only banner multiplataforma in graphic data processing, continuously revised and very utilized. This collection of you put... PVP: 16,00€
Problemas de geometría constructiva
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Resistencia de materiales
A guide divided into two different parts: introduction to the concepts of tension and deformation, and the different characteristic problems of m... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Problemas resueltos de teoría de sistemas
The book includes a collection of resolved problems of Systems Theory, which is a core subject in the second course of Industrial Engineering, wh... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 0,00€
Spatio-temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes
The book collects the investigations presented in the days carried out to the Universitat Jaume I of the 28 al October 31 of 2001... PVP: 13,22€
SQL y desarrollo de aplicaciones en Oracle 8
Data bases have become the fundamental pieces in every information processing system, and Oracle 8 is the most used one.
This is an essential to... PVP: 10,82€
Curso práctico de C y C++ (2ª. Edición)
Starting from the C language, which is the basis of C++; this text gradually goes deep into the syntax of both languages as well as in programmin... PVP: 16,83€
Pattern Recognition and Image Analyisis. Volumen 2
... PVP: 23,11€
Pattern Recognition and Image Analyisis. Volumen 1
... PVP: 11,56€
Problemes per a un curs introductori als circuits digitals
A collection of answered problems about digital sequential and combined circuits, and about the representation of information. It represents a us... PVP: 11,00€
CEIG 2000. X Congreso español de informática gráfica. Castellón, 28, 29 y 30 de junio de 2000
Most of the aspects of Graphic Information Processing, such as realist visualisation, interaction techniques, multiple-resolution models and geom... PVP: 18,03€
Introducción a la programación con Pascal
A supporting text on subjects of programming sources, which provides a global view on programming languages and on programs in general. An accura... PVP: 15,03€
VIII Encuentros de Geometría Computacional
The most current researches are included in these work, taken from the meetings, which were organised by the Grup de Visió per Ordinador of the I... PVP: 21,00€