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Género, literatura infantil y juvenil y formación de identidades
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Feminismo sin testamento
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Iremos al sol
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El auge del feminismo neoliberal
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Mujeres músicas. Dificultades, avances y metas a alcanzar en el siglo XXI
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For hundreds of years, the lives and w... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€ EPUB: 6,45€
La agenda secreta de María Campo Alange
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María Campo Alange (Sevilla, 1902 – Ma... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€ EPUB: 8,60€
Dos obras dramáticas
From the challenging, absurd, and ironic dramatic texts produced by Domnica Radulescu, this book contains bilingual versions of Exile is my Home ... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Teatro de mujer
Jeanne Marnière (Toulouse, 1854-Vallauris, 1910), better known as Jeanne Marni, was a woman of letters who devoted her life to theatre not only a... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Leonor Serrano. Educadora i feminista en temps de canvis
Professionally, Leonor Serrano Pablo was an inspector of primary schools who worked between 1914 and 1939, mainly in Barcelona. Ideologically, ho... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
La AMAEM Marías Guerreras Asociacionismo de mujeres y acción cultural
Itziar Pascual Ortiz presents us a prolix journey through performing arts creation of women of 20th century and the first decade of 21st century ... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Ny Zanako (Mi hija)
Ny Zanako (Mi hija), published originally in 1970, is the most emblematic novel by the writter Clarisse Ratsifandrihamanana (1926-1987). This is ... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Mujeres en la historia del teatro japonés: de Amaterasu a Minako Seki
The author, expert in Japan and its culture, gathers in this volume all the history of Japanese theatre focused on woman as main character. It is... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Olimpia de Gouges o la pasión de existir
Constructed in a way of kaleidoscope, the book offers as inducted mirror the theatre play of Olympia or the passion to exist. Other mirrors, con... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
En busca de Catalina de Erauso
Who is Catalina de Erauso, la Monja Alférez? This biography tackles aspects of the life of Catalina which have not been studied on depth and that... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Los ecos del banquete no escrito
Narrated in the first person, The echoes of the unwritten feast is a fiction which represents the dream of one night, and is made up as a parall... PVP: 18,00€
Maria Iordandiu (1897-1989) decided to write about Constantinopla and, when she was over sixty years old, she wrote her first literary publicatio... PVP: 18,00€
Violencia de género
A thorough study, complemented with testimonies from real cases and part of Julia Galán's photography project entitled '¿Qué tal estás?' (How are... PVP: 18,00€
Relatos románticos españoles
The book of the Duchess of Abrantes titled Scenes de la vie Espagnole, appears for the first time in Bruselas in 1836. Both accounts translated f... PVP: 16,00€
Colette universal
The whole of Colette�s vast oeuvre has the ability to create a very real atmosphere � including both everyday and magical aspects � that has made... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Aves sin nido
Clorinda Matto de Turner (Cuzco, 1854 ¿ Buenos Aires, 1909) was not only a pioneer in women¿s Latin American literature, but also a forerunner of... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Dones de Bloomsbury
This book deals with six biographical profiles of intellectual women who made up one of the most solid, refreshing and liveliest groups of the 20... PVP: 18,00€
Mujeres maximalistas
Might it be said that an aphoristic, maximalistic, specifically feminine writing exists? This magnificently edited study includes short texts wri... PVP: 20,00€
This study makes an in-depth analysis of the different figures of the mother in Spanish cinema and literature from the last decades of the 20th c... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Voces proféticas: relatos de escritoras estadounidenses de entresiglos (XIX-XX)
An it cured selection of nine north-American authors that embrace an as chronologic as racial spectrum: Harper and dunbar-Nelson are afroamerican... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
La magia de lo efímero: Representaciones de la mujer en el arte y literatura actuales
We live in a society that prioritize the image over anything else. Africa Vidal has reconsidered the consequences and impact of this situation on... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€
Fábulas feministas
A classical one indespensable of the feminism postcolonial. It translated for the first time al Spanish, Siniti Namjoshi offers an ingenious one... PDF: 7,30€
La mujer en el imaginario surreal. Figuras femeninas en el universo de André Breton
Which was the role of women in Surrealism? The reading of Breton's works, beginner and guide of that movement, for a woman interested on bringing... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€
El relato de Sóniechka
This brilliant translation of Reyes García narrates the story of the relationship between the original author, Marina Tsvietáieva, and the actres... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€