Ciències Experimentals |
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Diseño de planta piloto para el desarrollo de soportes vitrocerámicos a partir de residuos industriales
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The different chapters in this book ar... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
El método de Rietveld
Durante los últimos quince años, esta potente herramienta para la obtención
de información estructural y microestructural y para el análisis
cuan... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
XXX Reunión del Grupo Especializado en Química Organometálica
The XXX Reunión del Grupo Especializado en Química Organometálica highlighted the last advances in an intense program coordinated by the Professo... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Quantum physical chemistry. Quantum physics primer
Quantum mechanics plays a fundamental role in the study of phenomena in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry of materials and biology. The... PVP: 28,00€ PDF: 12,00€
Análisis retrosintético y síntesis orgánica
Regarding the high number of solved examples and widely commented, this work will be really helpful to the students in the acquisition of compete... PVP: 24,00€
Manual de Física I. Mecánica
In each section the reader will encounter the theoretical foundations of each section and a joint of problems, solved in detail and related with ... PVP: 16,00€
Fundamentos para el laboratorio químico
Guide with numerous laboratory practices, essential for the students and professors of chemistry studies and related. With content selected by th... PVP: 10,00€
Coordinación docente en los ámbitos de la física y la química
Chemistry and Physics have had tremendous repercussions in important scientific-technological advances, whose attainment plays a crucial role in ... PVP: 8,00€
Síntesis totales: retrosíntesis y mecanismos
With the aim of analyzing in depth on the apprenticeship of the strategic and tactic aspects of organic synthesis, a whole representative series ... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Theoretical and computational chemistry: foundations, methods and techniques
With this work it is aimed to unify the fundamentals, methods and techniques of theoretical and computational chemistry. Therefore, it is also wo... PVP: 30,00€
Fisiología vegetal
This is the first Spanish edition of the great work Plant Physiology (third edition), one of the best books on plant physiology and an essential ... PVP: 45,00€ EXHAUSTED |
Fitohormonas: metabolismo y modo de acción
Metabolism and biotechnology; transduction of hormonal signals; hormonal regulation of gene expression, growth and development, and stress respon... PVP: 20,00€ EXHAUSTED |
Termodinámica química
The high scientific and pedagogic quality of this book is ensured by its thorough selection of problems, and an equally extensive and excellent r... PVP: 15,00€
Transfer matrix, green function and related techniques
The authors present/display different types from matricesde transferences, systematize the formal mathematical properties and the relacionana wit... PVP: 12,00€
Introducción al análisis de datos experimentales. Tratamiento de datos en bioensayos
A text introductorio, absolutely unpublished, that explains to chemistries, and also to geologists and biologos, like can suitably select the sta... PVP: 9,00€ PDF: 3,90€
The dynamic and creative role of spectroscopy is of great importance in Chemistry. Authors include a selection of problems and practices in each ... PVP: 12,00€
Química teórica y computacional
It seems obvious that the practical training of Theoretical Chemistry is linked to the development of Computer Science. Actually, this particular... PVP: 23,00€ PDF: 9,90€
Introducció a l'experimentació
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