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Triunfos barrocos

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  La fiesta barroca. La corona de Castilla y el reino de Navarra (1516-1808)

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After having studied the Baroque f...

  PVP: 95,00€   PDF: 47,50€
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La fiesta barroca. Los reinos de la Corona de Aragón

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  PVP: 90,00€   PDF: 45,00€
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  La fiesta renacentista. El imperio de Carlos V (1500-1558)

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Like the previous volumes of Baroque ...

  PVP: 90,00€   PDF: 45,00€
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La fiesta barroca. Portugal Hispánico y el Imperio Oceánico

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In ten chapters, this book explains c...

  PVP: 70,00€   PDF: 30,00€
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  La fiesta barroca. La corte del Rey (1555-1808)

In the 16th century, the Spanish Monarchy set up a court, initially an itinerant one, but based permanently in Madrid from 1561. However, for sev...
  PVP: 90,00€   PDF: 38,65€
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La fiesta barroca. Los reinos de Nápoles y Sicilia (1535-1713)

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Spanish Monarchy governs, with relationships, wars and dominations, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily, and wi...
  PVP: 90,00€   PDF: 38,65€
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  La fiesta barroca. Los virreinatos americanos (1560-1808)

During the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and America, a great urban show brought all the arts, music and literature together in an awesome cr...
  PDF: 30,00€
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La fiesta barroca. El Reino de Valencia (1599-1802)

There was a time in which, coinciding with the rise of absolute monarchies and the rise of Catholicism, some cities were stages of impressive pub...
  PVP: 70,00€   PDF: 30,00€
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