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  Un hombre corriente que vistió uniforme

The memoirs of Francisco Ferrero Guerrero (1906-1987), written four decades after the events, now enriched with other texts that reflect the memo...
  PVP: 18,00€
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Allà m'esperava la guerra. Memòries d'un republicà

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  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 9,00€   EPUB: 9,00€
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  Els anys que vam viure perillosament. Cròniques de lluites i repressió al nord valencià (1938-1981)

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  PVP: 22,00€   PDF: 11,00€   EPUB: 11,00€
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Contra Paradís

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Through the eyes of a child in the pe...

  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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  Historias de un niño republicano

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Juan Perona Fausto was born in Castell...

  PVP: 18,00€
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Virtudes Cuevas. Una superviviente del campo de concentración alemán de Ravensbrück

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Writing the story of Virtudes Cuevas ...

  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 6,90€
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  Vides truncades per la Guerra Civil a Castelló

Our elders are a valuable treasure to understand the experiences of war and postwar. Sometimes they don�t want to talk because they are still fri...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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Biografies rescatades del silenci

This book of biographies will let the readers discover the path of Historical Memory as a tool in order to let the testimonies of difficult momen...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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  El temps perdut

Spanish Civil War and post-war years in Vistabella and other inland villages of Castellón were specially hard and are the scene of some of the mo...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Històries de vida al Castelló de la guerra i la postguerra

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With the goal of recovering one p...

  PVP: 20,00€   PDF: 10,00€   EPUB: 10,00€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions
Edifici de Rectorat i Serveis Centrals
Campus del Riu Sec
Tel.: +34 964728819 - Fax: +34 964728832
Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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