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Griego moderno
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Today we are fully aware of the charac... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
El sopar dels erudits Vol. 2
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Translation into Valencian, with n... PVP: 24,00€ PDF: 12,00€ EPUB: 12,00€
Cuando las ovejas griegas balan: historia de la pronunciación erasmiana en Grecia y en la tradición escolar hispana
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El sopar dels erudits Vol. 1
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El sopar dels erudits Vol.1
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El sopar dels erudits Vol 1
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Comentario a la Poética de Aristóteles. Francesco Robortello
One of the most remarkable works of the Renaissance, In librum Aristotelis de arte poetica explicationes is presented in Spanish for the first t... PVP: 37,00€ PDF: 15,90€
Himnos délficos dedicados a Apolo
In 1980, French exclusiveness restricted the publications about the Delphic Hymns devoted to Apolo in the unique point of view of the Gallic expe... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Maria Iordandiu (1897-1989) decided to write about Constantinopla and, when she was over sixty years old, she wrote her first literary publicatio... PVP: 18,00€
La Guerra del Peloponés
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The history of Greece in the fifth... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 7,50€