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  Ad perennem magistri memoriam. Germà Colón Domènech: Fesomies i texts

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RRP: 15,00€
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Allà m'esperava la guerra. Memòries d'un republicà

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RRP: 9,00€
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  América: singularidad versus universalidad

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The period and subject of Americanism...

RRP: 10,00€
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Arte, psicoanálisis y estética: promesa de reconciliación

Identifying and exploring the supposed assumed function of art through some of the main arguments developed as regard, is the aim of the work, in...
RRP: 10,30€
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  Calleja. Guerra, botín y fortuna

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The most well-known facet in the h...

RRP: 8,60€
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Comunicación para la paz en acción: Periodismos, conflictos, alfabetización mediática y Alianza de Civilizaciones.

This book is part of the work developed by the department for research in communication for peace of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace and...
RRP: 8,60€
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  Conuqueros y monteros. Campesinos tempranos en el Caribe

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RRP: 11,00€
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Cronología de la neolengua española

Inspired by the 1984 newspeak, George Orwell's work, the author analyses nearly sixty statements of leaders and media related to the factual powe...
RRP: 4,30€
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  Cuando las ovejas griegas balan: historia de la pronunciación erasmiana en Grecia y en la tradición escolar hispana

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RRP: 10,00€
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Cultura i exili. Estudis d'història i literatura

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RRP: 12,50€
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  De reconquistadores a traidores a la Patria. Milicias de catalanes, invasiones inglesas y el proceso de independencia rioplatense (1806-1812)

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Martínez Llamas, David. 2...

RRP: 11,00€
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Del tradicionalismo al socialismo autogestionario. La evolución de la militancia carlista en la época de don Javier y Carlos Hugo (1956-1980)

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El proceso producido entre...

RRP: 17,50€
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  Diálogos jurídicos España-México Volumen IX

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RRP: 7,50€
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Diálogos jurídicos España-México. Volumen V

Este quinto volumen de Diálogos Jurídicos España-México consolida el proyecto de colaboración entre la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón y la Univ...
RRP: 6,45€
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  Diálogos jurídicos España-México. Volumen VI

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (Toluca) and the Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) have maintained a project to publish books conta...
RRP: 6,45€
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Diálogos Jurídicos España-México Volumen VIII

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RRP: 8,00€
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  Diálogos jurídicos España-México Volumen X

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RRP: 7,50€
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El auge del feminismo neoliberal

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RRP: 8,00€
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  El habla de Puebla de Arenoso

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RRP: 7,50€
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El model de llengua en l'assaig científic i literari. Microrrelats i haikus

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The essay, as a genre, opens up high ...

RRP: 6,45€
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  El sopar dels erudits Vol. 1

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RRP: 12,00€
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El sopar dels erudits Vol. 2

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Translation into Valencian, with n...

RRP: 12,00€
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  El Vilafamés foral. De la conquesta a l'arribada dels Borbons (1233-1707)

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RRP: 8,00€
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Els anys que vam viure perillosament. Cròniques de lluites i repressió al nord valencià (1938-1981)

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RRP: 11,00€
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  Els orígens de la vila d'Almassora. Nous documents, noves visions

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This publication conducts a historiogr...

RRP: 5,15€
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Entre la espada y la pared

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The failure of the Liberal regime ...

RRP: 10,00€
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  ¿Erudición o compromiso? La historia narrativa y esencialista durante la Segunda República (1931-1939)

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RRP: 17,50€
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Escrits inèdits i dispersos

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RRP: 12,50€
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  Estratègies militars i diplomàtiques a la Batalla de Llevant. Ciutats en guerra i mobilització de les dones

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RRP: 17,50€
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Feminismo sin testamento

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RRP: 9,00€
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  Feminización de la pobreza en la ciudad de Castelló de la Plana

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RRP: 7,00€
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Gaetà Huguet Breva (1848-1926), patriarca del valencianisme

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RRP: 11,00€
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  Gaetà Huguet Segarra (1882-1959), líder republicà del valencianisme

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RRP: 11,00€
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Género, literatura infantil y juvenil y formación de identidades

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RRP: 10,00€
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  Històries de vida al Castelló de la guerra i la postguerra

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With the goal of recovering one p...

RRP: 10,00€
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Humanismo y retórica visual

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As the five hundredth anniversary ...

RRP: 20,00€
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  Imprimiendo la Independencia. Perfiles y trayectorias de los redactores y editores de los periódicos de Brasil entre 1808 y 1831

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RRP: 10,00€
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Inhabilitación absoluta y perpetua. La represión franquista contra los masones de Castelló

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On the 80th anniversary of the infamo...

RRP: 10,00€
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  Introducció a la simbologia religiosa en els àmbits públics

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RRP: 6,00€
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Iremos al sol

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RRP: 8,00€
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  José Pablo Valiente (1749-1817). Ilustración, reformas y realismo en España y América

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Prior to 1809-1810, the Kingdom of...

RRP: 7,75€
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Josep Francesc Boix Senmartí. El mestre que estimava la natura i la poesia (1901-1933)

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The teacher Francesc Boix Senmartí (1...

RRP: 9,00€
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  La agenda secreta de María Campo Alange

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María Campo Alange (Sevilla, 1902 – Ma...

RRP: 8,60€
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La batalla de Llevant, una victòria silenciada

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RRP: 15,00€
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  La casa de Almenara a través de la historia

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RRP: 14,00€
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La ciutat de Castelló en el primer liberalisme (1833-1868). Transformacions demogràfiques, urbanes i socioeconòmiques. Política municipal de moderats i progressistes

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RRP: 9,00€
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  La empresa eternamente memorable. México hacia la independencia trigarante de 1821

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RRP: 10,00€
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La gelada de 1946

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Beyond its traditional role as mere a...

RRP: 8,00€
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  La Generalitat Valenciana en la història

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Nowadays, the Generalitat (Valencian ...

RRP: 4,30€
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La herencia reconstruida. Crecimiento agrario y transformaciones del paisaje tras las conquistas de al-Andalus (siglos XII-XVI)

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Traditional historiography has cla...

RRP: 9,00€
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  La llengua estàndard a les comarques centrals del domini lingüístic català

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RRP: 8,00€
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La necesidad es ley suprema. El capital mercantil en el Río de la Plata: del monopolio comercial al industrial (1770-1825)

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Schlez, Mariano. 2021.
RRP: 11,00€
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  La represa del moviment Freinet (1964-1974)

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Different teaching professionals from ...

RRP: 8,60€
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La Segona República i la Guerra Civil a Betxí

A whole new democratic era began with the Republic, and the town of Betxí participated enthusiastically in these thoroughly modern events as its ...
RRP: 7,75€
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  La traducción para la subtitulación en España. Mapa de convenciones

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The need to learn more about a profess...

RRP: 7,75€
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L'assaig periodístic de Joan F. Mira

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Joan Francesc Mira has a solid track r...

RRP: 7,75€
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  L'Escola Moderna. El Moviment Freinet valencià (1962-1977)

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RRP: 12,50€
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L'impacte de les reformes educatives de l'etapa democràtica 1975-2006

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RRP: 10,00€
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  Llibre de Menescalia de Morella c. 1320/30 ~ 1340

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RRP: 10,00€
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Llibre Nou d'Establiments de la vila i aldees de Morella 1519-1581

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RRP: 7,50€
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  Llocs de memòria de la batalla de Llevant. Patrimoni arqueològic i itineraris turístics i didàctics

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RRP: 9,00€
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Los valets de chambre de los duques de Borgoña y sus tareas artísticas (1419-1477)

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RRP: 18,00€
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  Médicos de Castelló. Ideología política y violencia (1936-1950)

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RRP: 8,00€
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Miseria y esplendor de la traducción. La influencia de Ortega en la traductología

Systematic historical study about the reflection made by Ortega y Gasset in Miseria y esplendor de la traducción, and its influence in contempora...
RRP: 7,75€
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  Mitjans de comunicació i traducció. Realitat i interpretació

A long list of acknowledged authors in the field of communication and translation has been compiled in this volume: Rosa Agost, Germà Colón Domèn...
RRP: 6,90€
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Muerte, desastre y accidente. Andy Warhol y el final del sueño americano

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RRP: 8,00€
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  Mujeres músicas. Dificultades, avances y metas a alcanzar en el siglo XXI

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For hundreds of years, the lives and w...

RRP: 6,45€
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Notas de teoría del derecho. 2 edición

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An essential guide to facilitate ...

RRP: 9,00€
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  Popular Science Discourse in Translation

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This book seeks to offer, for the firs...

RRP: 7,75€
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Prensa y política en la vida de José Castelló y Tárrega (1865-1938)

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"A focused investigation on the Bo...

RRP: 9,00€
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  Renovadors, contrarevolucionaris i cacics

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A deep institutional, political, ideol...

RRP: 8,60€
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Responsabilidad social corporativa. Nuevos retos, nuevas soluciones

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Businesses must approach CSR as an el...

RRP: 8,00€
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  Un hombre corriente que vistió uniforme

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The memoirs of Francisco Ferrero G...

RRP: 9,00€
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Una retórica constructivista. Creación y análisis del discurso social

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RRP: 7,00€
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  Utopía, distopía y estética. Análisis fílmico de El cuento de la criada

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RRP: 7,50€
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Videografía y arte: Indagaciones sobre la imagen en movimiento

Why a cineast like Godard chose a videographic dispositive for his cinema stories? What does this dispositve offer to him and those artists that,...
RRP: 6,45€
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  Vilafranca (1239-1412)

The town charter of the Riu de les Truites was granted in 1239 by the nobleman Blasco de Alagón, ending almost 500 years of Andalusian history in...
RRP: 10,30€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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