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   Collection: Emergents  Serial Number: 5
   ISBN: 978-84-10349-06-3

Title: Universitat i societat. Perspectives multidisciplinàries de la investigació i de la transferència en Ciències Humanes i Socials
Authorship: Barberá Forcadell, Susana (ed.)
 Pallarés Renau, María (ed.)
 Dinkelacker, Franziska
 Escobar Lluch, Nuria
 Gumier García, Vanessa
 Lloría Adanero, Reis
Pages: 233
Size: 15 x 21
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper
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One of the main objectives of university research in the field of human and social sciences is to
make practices and research visible so that the benefits of investment in science and
innovation reach society. The transfer of results, the result of the joint and multidisciplinary
work of human beings and social organization, as well as the exploration of the cultures that
form, and have been part of the world, becomes fundamental to face the great challenges of
future societies.

Il·lustracions en color

 Martos Oms, Guillem
 Mena Alba, Alejandro
 Montañés Cruz, Cristina
 Peris Camarasa, Jesús
 Reula Martínez, Tania
 Ruiz Bernardo, María Paola
 Saura Manzanares, Alba
 Selma Castell, Sergi
 Serrano Hernández, Elena
 De Dios Castón, Ana
 López Olivares, Maria De Los Desamparados
 Núñez Huerta, Beth

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Campus del Riu Sec
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Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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