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Home > Publications > Estudis Filològics

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   Collection: Estudis Filològics  Serial Number: 40
   ISBN: 978-84-19647-88-7

Title: El sopar dels erudits Vol. 2
Authorship: Montañés Gómez, Rubén Josep (trad.)
 Sanchis Llopis, Jordi (trad.)
 Pérez Asensio, Jordi (trad.)
 De Naucratis, Ateneu
Pages: 305
Size: 15 x 21
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 24,00 €
Language: Bilingüe
Binding: Rústica cosida amb solapa
Support: Paper
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Translation into Valencian, with notes, of books IV and V of the Athenaeum Banquet of
Naucratis, a work in prose (ss. II-III AD), which narrates, following the pattern of the
Platonic dialogue, the dinner and subsequent symposium of a group of scholars in Rome.
In the constant display of erudition that this conversation entails, all the news, authors, titles
and fragments of works that are now lost and of which this is the only source are cited. The
quotations belong to very different genres and themes, ranging from scientific literature
(medicine, zoology, botany) to archaic lyric and, especially, dramatic poetry, especially
comedy. Apart from the literary interest of these texts, this work is a very valuable source of
information on numerous aspects of the Greek and Roman cultures of Antiquity. The
translation is preceded by an introductory study and a selective and updated bibliography,
and a prologue by Professor Tomàs Martínez Romero.
The first volume, with the first three books, are also published by the Universitat Jaume I
and the Universitat de València.

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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