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   Collection: UniverCiutat  Serial Number: 11
   ISBN: 978-84-10349-33-9

Title: Prensa y política en la vida de José Castelló y Tárrega (1865-1938)
La ambición política y social de un personaje, en el Castelló de la Plana de entresiglos
Authorship: Peris Gorris, Vicent
Pages: 360
Size: 21cm x 15cm
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica cosida amb solapa
Support: Paper
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"A focused investigation on the Borbonic Restauration that expect to understand this period in Castelló province, needs to know the Heraldo de Castellón newspaper". These prologue's first pages show the interes and the importance of José Castelló i Tárrega's life. Journalist and founder of one of the most influent newspaper of Castelló at the XIX century last yeards and the first part of the XX century, our main character had a extense political life. Member of the Liberal Party, Castelló i Tárrega was provincial deputy, Civil governor of Toledo and President of the Castelló Coincil at the same time he managed his newspaper.

In short, throughtout these pages the vital and political journey of this influential figure of the wealthy middle classes of the city of Castelló de la Plana i shown.

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Castelló de la Plana
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