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Home > Publications > Galeria Octubre

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   Collection: Galeria Octubre  Serial Number: 7
   ISBN: 978-84-10349-50-6

Title: Wences Rambla. Evocacions de la memòria
Authorship: Alcón Soler, Eva
 Bellés Roig, Amado
 Caballero Guiral, María Juncal
 Climent Jordà, Vicent
 de la Calle de la Calle, Roman
 Fernández Beltrán, Francisco José
Pages: 114
Size: 21cm x 21cm
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 16,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: Paper
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Wences Rambla (1948-2023) lived art from many facets, as a painter and also as a photographer. As a professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts he worked at the Universitat Jaume I for decades and promoting contemporary art with enthusiasm.

This publication includes, in addition to an anthological selection of his work exhibited at the Octubre Gallery, a series of texts by various hands and areas of humanistic culture that express impressions and feelings about the figure of Wences Rambla.

Il·lustracions en color

 Ferrer Maestro, Juan José
 Lázaro Guillamón, María del Carmen
 Mínguez Cornelles, Víctor Manuel
 Mir Soria, Patricia
 Pinyana Garí, Maria Carme
 Torrent Esclapes, Rosalía
 Valesa Monfort, Antoni
 Marín, Joan M.
 Moliner Saborit, Sari

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