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   Collection: Cooperació i solidaritat. Estudis  Serial Number: 8
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-822-1

Title: Comunicación para la paz en acción: Periodismos, conflictos, alfabetización mediática y Alianza de Civilizaciones.
Authorship: Ahmed Ali, Fatuma (ed.)
 Martín Galán, José Ignacio (ed.)
 Nos Aldás, Eloísa Fernanda (ed.)
Pages: 301
Size: 16 X 24
Edition: 1 (2011)
Price: 20,00 €
Language: Diverses llengües
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper
Other formats:

This book is part of the work developed by the department for research in communication for peace of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace and the Interuniversity Institute for Social Development and Peace-IUDESP (Jaume I University), in collaboration with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). From a mass media communication perspective, this volume exposes academic research and lessons learned in four areas: the mass media impact on the construction of cultural violence, alternative media for peacebuilding, media literacy and the Spirals of Peace proposal to follow the complex path towards the yearned for and encouraging Alliance of Civilizations.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

Índex del llibre i capítol "The Spiral of Peace in action" / Presentació en Babel / Web de la UNAOC

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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