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   Collection: Amèrica  Serial Number: 29
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-928-0

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Title: El triunfo del virrey
Glorias novohispanas: origen, apogeo y ocaso de la entrada virreinal
Authorship: Chiva Beltrán, Juan
Pages: 336
Size: 4.07Mb
Edition: 1 (2012)
Price: 9,45 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF
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With the establishment of the viceroyalty of New Spain, the masters of ceremonies typical of European monarchies went to the American continent. However, the viceroyal capital had never had celebrations with the presence of the monarch, so that his direct envoy, the viceroy, achieved a huge symbolic and ceremonial relevance. The present work studies the victorious trip that viceroys made from Veracruz to Mexico, since 1535 to 1821, as well as public revenues in journey cities and ephemeral architectures that were built in order to honour them.

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