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   Collection: Athenea  Serial Number: 4
   ISBN: 978-84-15443-23-0

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Title: Sistema de indicadores para la mejora y el control integrado de la calidad de los procesos
Authorship: Heredia Álvaro, José Antonio
Pages: 230
Size: 8.1Mb
Edition: 1 (2001)
Price: 11,15 €
Support: e-Book - PDF
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The present work presents and justifies a method to design an system of indicators that will help with the strategic management of the organisation.
Sistema de los indicadores para la mejora y el control integrado de la calidad de los procesos links the indicators at the strategic level (those which form the Balanced Scorecard) with more tactical indicators, used to control and improve organisational processes. Following this perspective, it also develops a rigorous procedure to evaluate the impact of decisions made about the quality of that processes on the financial results.
José Antonio Heredia is doctor of Industrial Engineering, and professor in the Universitat Jaume I. His investigation focuses on those methods and new technologies that improve either processes or changes in organisations.
The present book has won the II Premi d'Investigació of the Social Council in the Universitat Jaume I, 2001.

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