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   Collection: Psique  Serial Number: 15
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-974-7

Title: El laboratorio de Wundt
Nacimiento de la ciencia psicológica
Authorship: González Álvarez, Julio
Pages: 172
Size: 9Mb
Edition: 1 (2014)
Price: 5,15 €
Language: Espanyol
Support: e-Book - PDF
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When Wilhem Wundt founds in 1879 his laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Psychology as a science borns. It was considered the first laboratory of the new discipline, it served as inspiration and reference to tens of laboratories located all around the world.
How were those experiments? What devices did they use �and design- in a pre-electronic time? This book takes the reader on a journey to the Leipzig Institute to know what was done there and also to know closely some ideas and concepts that guided the pioneering research that served as booster to scientific Psychology.

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