Title: | Mobile Manipulators: terrestrial, marine and aerial domains Proceedings of the summer school on mobile manipulators | | Authorship: | Sanz Valero, Pedro José (ed.lit.) | | Vincze, Markus (ed.lit.) | | Marín Prades, Raúl (ed.lit.) | | Sales Gil, Jorge (ed.lit.) | Pages: | 16 | Size: | 17 X 24 | Edition: | 1 (2016) | Price: | 35,00 € | Language: | Anglés | Binding: | Rústica | Support: | Paper | The robotics researchs groups at University Of Jaume-I (UJI) have experience inorganising summer schools in different robotics context since 2001. This time new techniques for manipulations has been faced, taking into account the new tools in terms of sensors and actuators that are available nowadays. Organitzation thank the support given by RENABOT Research Network- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Robotnik, the CEA... Lectures were given in English. | Il·lustracions en blanc i negre |