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   Collection: Biblioteca de les Aules  Serial Number: 27
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-47-3

Title: Paisatge, etnografia i rituals a Penyagolosa / Landscape, ethnography and rituals at Penyagolosa
Authorship: García Esparza, Juan Antonio (ed.lit.)
 Altaba Tena, Pablo
 Bernat Agut, Jesús
 Escorihuela Sales, Coral
 García Esparza, Juan Antonio
 Matamoros De Villa, Consuelo
Pages: 200
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2017)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Diverses llengües
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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The study of Penyagolosa and the historical, contemporary and multidisciplinary analysis provided by experts, academics and technicians in this book, enrich and identify the nature of this vernacular cultural and rural Mediterranean landscape based on beliefs, symbolisms, humility, honesty, sincerity and worship, and the way all this is reflected in the landscape through material and immaterial values. These values are the result of a unique and unequalled geographical, human and cultural environment, portrayed in a fragile geographical area: the practises and traditions determined by the land relief and weather. Penyagolosa is a rural area with medium to high mountains in inland Castello, occupying a physical and cultural space where there is still evidence of old ways of life in the shape of buildings and roads once used for trade, communication and pilgrimage and so on. It is a landscape that might be described as being formed “by need and faith” typical of the culture of the 13th and 14th centuries in the Mediterranean arc and which is now being developed, transformed and reconstructed. The society that now inhabits Penyagolosa is essential for its progress into the future.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

 Monferrer Monfort, Àlvar
 Pardo Fabregat, Francisco
 Rambla Moliner, Raquel
 Silvestre Traver, María José
 Timón Tiemblo, María Pía
 Varotto, Mauro
 Fernández Salinas, Víctor
 García De Miguel, José María
 Martín Noguera, Francisco Javier
 Mateu Bellés, Joan F.
 Monferrer Milán, Guillem
 Pérez García, Carmen
 Silva Pérez, Rocío

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