Title: | El bisbe Climent i la pedagogia de la Il·lustració
| | Authorship: | Adell Cueva, Marc Antoni | Pages: | 468 | Size: | 10.4Mb | Edition: | 1 (2017) | Price: | 7,75 € | Language: | Català | Binding: | Llibre electrònic | Support: | e-Book - PDF | Other formats: |  | Josep Climent i Avinent (1706-1781) was an Enlightenment bishop from Castelló whose life has been studied by many historians. In addition to his strong character and personality, he showed particular sensitivity towards vulnerable and rejected people, such as orphans, to whom he bequeathed his properties, funding the iconic Orphan School in Castelló that lasted until the mid-20th century. This new, extensive monograph deals with a unique figure based on his undeniable vocation for teaching, whose work and example remain intact for future generations. | Il·lustracions en blanc i negre | Nou bloc de Marc |