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Estudi lingüístic dels parlars de les comarques del nord de Castelló
... PVP: 9,02€
El complemento circunstancial en español
This book tries to be a proposal for the description of function inside a descriptive semiotic-functional sentence model. The author's purpose is... PVP: 7,00€ PDF: 3,10€
Manual de prácticas de psicología de la atención
... PVP: 6,01€
Gestión de riesgos con activos derivados
... PVP: 15,00€
La novela francesa a través de los premios literarios
This work constitutes the first study on literary French narrative prizes.... PVP: 8,00€
La ética como instrumento de gestión empresarial
... PVP: 2,89€
La diversitat discursiva
This study offers the reader suggestive approaches to discursive diversity in a moment in which many frontiers between discursive genres have bee... PVP: 18,00€
Estatuts de la Universitat Jaume I
... PVP: 8,67€ PVP: 8,67€
Genre Studies in English for Academic Purposes
... PVP: 15,00€
El conflicto ecológico de la central térmica de Andorra (Teruel)
... PVP: 5,78€
Intertextualitat i recepció
... PVP: 23,00€
Valencia, cuna de impresores
... PVP: 5,78€
Preparant el primer curs
... PVP: 8,09€
II Encuentro Diálogo Fe-Cultura
... PVP: 5,78€
Docència universitària: Avanços recents
... PVP: 11,56€
Cristianismo y Europa ante los nuevos retos
... PVP: 5,78€
Miscelánea homenaje a José María Doñate
Collaborations of well-known experts in the fields of philology, geography, archaeology, medieval, modern and contemporary histories are included... PVP: 10,82€
Contribuciones a la hidrogeología y medio ambiente en Cuba
Hydrology applied to geo-morphology and the hydrology of Karst, miner-medicinal resources, coastal intrusion, among others are the main topics of... PVP: 21,04€
Contribuciones a la investigación y gestión del agua subterránea
A collection of important works dealing with such a new theme which is the study and management of water resources.... PVP: 12,00€
La iniciativa legislativa en el derecho autonómico
This work tries to assume a challenge: to look at the insides of the current legislative system focusing on the autonomic juridical orderings, an... PVP: 10,00€
Institucions del dret civil valencià
The present book is the result of a documented and exact establishment of the civil law in the Valencian Reign before 1707. It is a simple but co... PVP: 12,00€
Jacobi Regis Thesaurus
Due to the commemoration of its 10th anniversary, the Universitat Jaume I has prepared this catalogue from a selection of the old bibliographic f... PVP: 18,00€
Tiempos de latinoamérica
With a prologue by Daniel Ortega (ex-president of Nicaragua), this book compiles different articles about different fields of knowledge, geograph... PVP: 8,00€ PDF: 3,45€
Monogràfica de Llucena ( L'Alcalatén)
This collective work, brilliantly edited, studies the multiple aspects of the current and historic complex reality of a North-Valencian mountain'... PVP: 18,00€
L'ús de la llengua a la Universitat
The results of a sociolinguistic inquiry between the students of the Universitat Jaume I is the basis of this book. It offers a quantitative desc... PVP: 6,00€
Jornadas sobre nuevas universidades en Alemania y España
Reflections around educational and management questions in new German and Spanish universities. The referent was the fund of the Alexander Von Hu... PVP: 5,41€
Elenco de fechas para la historia urbana de Castellón de la Plana
Chronologically ordered events, from the end of the 11th century, when the first documented news of the Castell Vell appeared, to 1936. Includes ... PVP: 9,02€
Current Issues in English Language Methodology
An interesting contribution to the discussed task of adopting an effective methodology in the teaching of English as a foreign language. Aspects ... PVP: 13,00€
Rudens o la cuerda
Translation of the famous comedy by Plauto, which flourished in the Rome of the 3rd century, beginning of the 2nd century BC it includes an inte... PVP: 6,00€
La oración condicional
Research about the evolution of verbal conditional schemes from Latin to current Spanish. A study on syntax through history of these structures.... PVP: 6,01€
Ficcionalidad y escritura
J.M. Pozuelo Yvancos, M.Á. Garrido Gallardo, V. Benet, F. Chico Rico, J. Talens, V. Sánchez Biosca, J.M. Company, M.L. Burguera, T. Blesa and J. ... PVP: 9,00€
Estudios de lingüística aplicada
Important compilation of studies about sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, lexicology¿ in the XIII Congrés de Lingüística Aplicada (XIII Confere... PVP: 23,00€
Actes del VII Congrés de l'Associació Hispànica de Literatura Medieval. Castelló de la Plana, 22-26 de setembre de 1997
Authors such as Lola Badía, Albert Hauf, Eukene Lacarra, Curt Witlin, Julio Samsó¿ are present in this work. Flexibility in the thematic and use ... PVP: 18,78€ PVP: 59,00€ PVP: 18,78€ PVP: 18,78€
Primeres jornades sobre autoaprenentatge de llengües
The different lectures are aimed to analyse those discursive and cognitive strategies, so to drive the debate about self-monitored learning as a ... PVP: 9,92€
Memòria, escriptura i imatge
Professors Guzman and Verdegal have published, with the collaboration of Roman Gubern, different articles that reflect two aspects: analytic refl... PVP: 10,00€
Ensenyament/aprenentatge de llengües
This book tries to solve a series of questions that society states in the multicultural and multilingual education as well as solutions for the n... PVP: 9,00€
La projecció exterior del serveis lingüístics universitaris
Different aspects we have to take into account if we want to exteriorise university services and to benefit from the university task to offer pro... PVP: 12,00€
Segona edició de l'art del rebuig
... PVP: 8,65€
Biblia y literatura
... PVP: 5,78€
Mecanismos de cohesión textual. Los conectores ilativos en Español
An innovative proposal about the characterisation of this type of connectors (distributive, phonologic, syntactic-semantic, pragmatic¿) by means ... PVP: 12,00€
La interferencia lingüística en Valencia dirección catalán-castellano. Estudio sociolinguístico
An unusual perspective on linguistic interference.... PVP: 6,00€
Subjecte i creativitat
It collects the lectures and communications of the II Jornades sobre Teoria i Crítica dels Discursos Creatius (II Meeting about Creative Discours... PVP: 11,00€
Actes de les jornades sobre normes i normalització lingüística
Thanks to the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Normes de Castelló, in 1932, Germà Colón, Rafael L. Ninyoles, Joan Solà and Vicent Pitarc... PVP: 9,92€
Investigación en zona no saturada: aspectos metodológicos y algunos ejemplos
Hydrology has found a wide field of study in the coastal Mediterranean region due to human activities that produce the excess of salt and water c... PVP: 7,00€
Llucena. Una història de L'Alcalatén. Sociedad, poblamiento y territorio
The history of Llucena is mainly a history of the community's secular struggle for living worthily, sometimes just surviving, in an area where ha... PVP: 18,00€
The first volume of the work Borriol, magnificamente published and illustrated to every color, collects the geografia physical, human, toponimia,... PVP: 20,00€
Els valencians de secà. Estampes velles del Maestrat
The life of the masoveria has been a key factor of cohesion in the Valencian company. Gaetà Huguet wrote this novel, full of charms and of allur... PVP: 17,00€
Hacia un concepto integral de calidad de vida: La universidad y los mayores
Expert in diverse ambitos, as now the health, the psychic equilibrium, the social responsibility or the environment, reflect on the quality of li... PVP: 18,00€
Las religiones frente al reto de la paz y la violencia
... PVP: 5,78€
Constituciones de los reinos hispánicos en el Antiguo Régimen
The essential circumstances of political nature that live in Spain constitute a magnifica occasion to reflect around the popularity that in legal... PVP: 50,00€
Constitucions dels regnes hispànics en l'Antic Règim
The essential circumstances of political nature that live in Spain constitute a magnifica occasion to reflect around the popularity that in legal... PVP: 50,00€
Seguimiento de las trayectorias ocupacionales de los titulados por las universidades Jaume I de Castellón, Valencia y Alacant
A questionnaire carried out by telephone to 8.396 interviewed himself complete with a qualitative discrete but significant reinforcement, formed ... PVP: 15,00€
Manual de documents i llenguatge administratius
The third revised edition of this joint work made by valencian universities is divided into two parts that deal with the elaboration of the most ... PVP: 20,00€ PVP: 20,00€
Centenari dels estudis de magisteri a Castelló de la Plana
The Universitat Jaume I celebrated, during the academic year 2000-01, a double commemoration by a part the tenth one of the creation of the Unive... PVP: 28,00€
Jornades de la Secció Filològica de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans a Castelló
Seven presentations presented in the framework of the Jornades of the Secció Filològica of l' IEC, carried out to Castellón of the Plan in Octobe... PVP: 6,00€
Responsabilidad social corporativa. Aspectos jurídico-económicos.
A collection of up-to-the-minute articles from an interdisciplinary perspective which shows how "the company interest", "good governance" and "th... PVP: 15,00€
Disseny a la Seu del Nord
Commemorative CD of the three years of the design conferences in Seu del Nord de la UJI, in which you can find all the information about the two ... PVP: 9,00€
Cartografia històrica de la Corona d'Aragó. Segles XVI a XVIII
This is an excellent hardback colour edition with dust jacket that presents a collection of forty maps taken from the historical Crown of Aragon ... PVP: 60,00€
Gaudeamus Ujitur
Xipell presents a compilation of comic strips, published in the newspaper Levante-EMV, which illustrate certain events in the academic life of t... PVP: 18,00€
El cooperativisme fins avui
The agrarian cooperative movement as a legal form of organisation is reviewed and analysed in this illustrated publication, co-financed by Interc... PVP: 18,00€
Los programas universitarios para mayores en España: una investigación sociológica
Both the unity and diversity of the organisation and contents of university programmes for senior citizens are illustrated at the same time. This... PVP: 18,00€
Masos de Morella. Vida i costums en la dena dels Llivis
The message of this well-written chronicle is that of being a witness of a world in the process of disappearing, of a way to face life and work, ... PVP: 10,00€
Sueños de futuro
To commemorate its fifteenth anniversary, the Universitat Jaume I has published this work, printed in colour, that reviews the historical evoluti... PVP: 20,00€
Un passeig per la prehistòria. Guia de l'art rupestre llevantí de Castelló
The description and illustration of aproximately 70 painted caves, presented in this work, represents an authentic practical guide about the Leva... PVP: 24,00€
El primer mapa del Reino de Valencia 1568-1584
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This book, which contains excellent il... PVP: 40,00€ PDF: 17,20€
La Llotja del Canem. Un edifici recuperat per a la ciutat
La Llotja del Cànem is an old Renaissance exchange market, located in the heart of Castelló. Thanks to extraordinary restoration work, the buildi... PVP: 60,00€
La Llotja del Cànem. Un edificio recuperado para la ciudad
La Llotja del Cànem is an old Renaissance exchange market, located in the heart of Castelló. Thanks to extraordinary restoration work, the buildi... PVP: 60,00€
Libro blanco de las relaciones universidad empresa
The relationships between universities and the socioeconomic environment and its role in the transmission process of investigation, the innovatio... PVP: 20,00€
Discurso sobre la Constitución que dió al Reyno de Valencia su invicto conquistador el Señor D. Jayme Primero
In addition to the conquests for which he is famous, King James I of Aragon (Jaume I) created a political and legal network throughout the conque... PVP: 40,00€
Jornadas de mayores y nuevas tecnologías
The importance of ICTs means that citizens must have sufficient knowledge in order to be able to operate in this field. In December 2007 the Univ... PVP: 18,00€
Blasco de Alagón (ca.1190-1239)
The activity of Blasco de Alagón was decisive in the conquest and resettlement of the new Christian Kingdom of Valencia, but the literature of th... PVP: 60,00€
Les Normes de Castelló fan 75 anys
On the occasion of Les Normes de Castelló 75th anniversary, 40 newspaper articles are collected as well as parliaments, statements, resolutions a... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 0,00€
La obra legislativa de Jaime I de Aragón 1208-1276
On the occasion of the VIII Centenary of the birth of Jaume I, with this work, the author presents a permanent testimony of the monarch�s activit... PVP: 60,00€
El combat per la premsa. Al Vent i Nosaltres els valencians
Al Vent was born in 1964, a journal that was capable of resisting to Franco censorship impulses until 1969, year in which it was closed. Few mont... PVP: 24,00€
Grandes prematuros
The unknown world of premature babies harbours extreme situations: a desperate fight for the survival in an environment of sophisticated technolo... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Borriol II
The topics and articles collected in this second volumen of Borriol cover an extraordinary value for the knowledge of Borriol heritage. That is w... PVP: 25,00€
El sueño de Eneas
Analysis of utopian visions of the city, from the purely artistic ones to those that supposed important transformations and urban and architectur... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 12,90€
Suna e Xara
This outstanding work has been published on the fourth centenary of the expulsion of the Moors from the Iberian Peninsula. It is lavishly illustr... PVP: 60,00€ PDF: 25,80€
Disseny a la Seu del Nord II
On the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the Universitat per a Majors de Castellón de la Plana, and taking into account the importance of an... PVP: 18,00€
La educación permanente: la Universidad y las personas mayores
On the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the Universitat per a Majors de Castellón de la Plana, and taking into account the importance of an... PVP: 18,00€
¿Qué escuchan los niños en la televisión?
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La libreta francesa. Mayo del 68
Not all of those who were in the movements of May 1968 in France lived it, and not all of them agitated with their slogans or dreamt new signs. E... PVP: 18,00€
La Vila de Catí i el seu pelegrinatge a Sant Pere de Castellfort
The historical-artistic aspects of the past of Catí are highlighted here, protagonised by the inhabitants of different times, and materialised in... PVP: 30,00€
Diccionari de la traducció catalana
For the first time the most relevant translators, born up to 1950, who translate from any other language to Catalan, meet. The work, co-published... PVP: 40,00€
II Congrés obert i virtual Castelló 2020
The II Congreso abierto y virtual Castellón 2020 offered a wide vision about the sociocultural and economical positioning of the province of Cast... PVP: 10,00€
Arquitectura UJI
With the goal of showing and contributing to the value of the Universitat Jaume I�s architectural heritage, giving reason of its features and spe... PVP: 24,00€
Arte en los confines del imperio
Cartographic maps, tapestries, paintings, religious art emblems, theatre and representations are some of the different artistic manifestations co... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 12,90€
Barracas del litoral Mediterráneo
The main value of this book lays in the absence of works that have treat this kind of building so comprehensively. Maybe, the most remarkable is ... PVP: 35,00€ PDF: 15,00€
Aprendizaje y acceso a la red: la tecnología para los mayores
The use of technological resources contributes to a better training of citizenship and facilitates the participation and active inclusion in the ... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Guia de la flora ornamental de la Universitat Jaume I
The Universitat Jaume I, with this study, is a leader in cataloguing and describing ornamental flora of a university campus, with the necessary r... PVP: 38,00€ PDF: 16,30€
Las artes y la arquitectura del poder
* free down load
One hundred years of iconographical studies to the wo... PVP: 50,00€ PDF: 0,00€
Education and quality of life of senior citizens
This pedagogical guide is the first of the two main outcomes of the EduSenior project, the second being a tool designed to evaluate educational i... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 0,00€
Historia y desafíos de la edición en el mundo hispánico
This volume collects the palpable fruit of the II Foro editorial de Estudios Hispánicos y Americanistas, celebrated in Cádiz during the 25 and 27... PVP: 18,00€
La Panderola, patrimonio de la Plana
A big part of the society of la Plana of Castellón is still very conscious of the memory of la Panderola, a narrow track railway that connected t... PVP: 6,00€
Dues visions
For the first time, two texts of the diary of Joan Fuster that the editor Joan Ballester Canals had planned to publish but that were not publishe... PVP: 14,00€
A large number of authors provide pills of microliterature, of various genres to the second volume with which the Instituto Universitario de Estu... PVP: 5,00€ PDF: 0,00€
Instrumentos de evaluación en las instituciones educativas
Improving the quality and effectiveness of educational institutions directed to elder students is the main objective of the European project EduS... PDF: 2,15€
Educación y calidad de vida en personas mayores
The present guide offers first of all the foundations on which any educational action directed to elder students must be built, as well as the ba... PVP: 5,00€ PDF: 2,15€
Evaluation toolkit for educational institutions
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Salud, emociones y género
Recognition of the importance of gender in science is very recent. European and Spanish regulations establish the need to incorporate the gender ... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Comunicación, conflictos y cambio social / Comunicação, conflitos e transformação social
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Cuatro reyes para Sicilia
Between 1700 and 1735, as a result of the death of the last Spanish Habsburg, Charles II, without heirs to the throne, four kings succeeded to th... PVP: 40,00€ PDF: 17,20€
Advances in comparative endocrinology : vol. VIII
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El derecho en la sociedad del siglo XXI
Different legal specialists analyse current juridical issues of great interest to students from the Senior Citizens’ University such as media cov... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. 25 anys de realitats
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The book traces a journey in words an... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
La Generalitat Valenciana en la història
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Nowadays, the Generalitat (Valencian ... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 4,30€ EPUB: 4,30€
Il·luminades. Il·lustrant la història de la misogínia
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El mapa del regne de València d’Ernst Ludwig Creite (1752)
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Numbered facsimile of the map of the K... PVP: 80,00€
El retrato del poder
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The link between portraits and power d... PVP: 35,00€ PDF: 15,00€
Islas Columbretes, treinta años después
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One of the greatest treasures of the ... PVP: 40,00€ PDF: 17,20€
Penyagolosa. Patrimonio de una comunidad
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The way heritage is seen and experien... PVP: 40,00€ PDF: 20,00€
La Maquinista Valenciana. Revolución industrial y cambio social, 1834-1955
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Orígenes de la natación valenciana 1900-1936
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... PVP: 48,00€
AETERNUM IUS ROMANUM Dos estudios de Derecho Romano y «Ius Commune» y una biblioteca jurídica del siglo XVI
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... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 15,00€
El arte rupestre en la provincia de Castellón
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Ex... PVP: 48,00€ PDF: 24,00€
La protección social en Castellón (1900-2021). Una visión histórica de la protección social del Estado en la provincia de Castellón
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El concepto de seguridad s... PVP: 16,00€ PDF: 8,00€
Un aprenentatge cal·ligràfic
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L'art de derivar les aigües
Este trabajo ofrece una interpretación renovada sobre el gran número de obras hidráulicas que se llevaron a cabo en los ríos valencianos en los s... PVP: 16,00€
Les escoles dels masos de Llucena.
* Free download
"Recover, preserve and transmit the pedagogical memory... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 0,00€
El País Valencià
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It could be said that Vicent Ventu... PVP: 25,00€ PDF: 12,50€
Millars (1974-2024)
* Free download
That an academic publication commemorates 50 years of exist... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 0,00€
Comptar allò incomptable
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... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 15,00€
Castillos y órdenes militares en tierras de Castellón. Temple, Hospital, Calatrava, Montesa
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... PVP: 50,00€ PDF: 25,00€
La Universitat per a Majors
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... PVP: 10,00€ PDF: 5,00€
VI jornadas de excelencia en gestión universitaria
The internal quality assurance system foundation of the follow-up process of official titles in the UJI is tackled in works; the use of the resul... PDF: 4,30€
La burguesía valenciana en el sexenio democrático
Rosa Monlleó is professor of Contemporary History in the Universitat Jaume I. Here, she makes an important contribution to the study of economic ... PVP: 13,00€
Republicanisme i valencianisme (1868-1938). La familia Huguet
From the last third of the 19th century and up to the Civil War (1936-1939), the republican movement was the decisive force in Valencian politics... PVP: 10,82€
Materials per a treballar matemàtiques a l'ESO
A splendid practical book with the aim to work algebra, analysis, statistics, geometry, and probabilities¿ in a synthetic and didactically ordere... PVP: 15,03€
Paper reciclat
... PVP: 9,02€
Les teories de la recepció literària
... PVP: 8,41€
Metàfora i creativitat
Manuel Vicent begins this reflection with an intervention about the Mediterranean. Several experts discuss about the relationship between metapho... PVP: 10,00€
Monografia de les titulacions
... PVP: 34,68€
Cronografia tòpica del calendari Julià
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