Title: | Dues visions
| | Authorship: | Fuster, Joan | | Ferré Trill, Xavier (ed.lit.) | Pages: | 82 | Size: | 17 X 24 | Edition: | 1 (2014) | Price: | 14,00 € | Language: | Català | Binding: | Rústica | Support: | Paper | For the first time, two texts of the diary of Joan Fuster that the editor Joan Ballester Canals had planned to publish but that were not published because of the Spanish censorship of the moment. We have considered offering the totality of the text as an individualized volume, formed by two ¿fusterian¿ notes: ¿Maragall, burgès¿ and ¿Per una anàlisi del nacionalisme¿, that have been unpublished to date. Beyond those essayistic reflexions, that represent a historiographical analysis model, the reading offers the revulsive tone -incentive and motivating- with which Fuster always oriented his own positioning towards the social facts that was trying to understand with a critical attitude, away from topics and conventionalisms. | | Ressenya per La Veu del PV |