Title: | Actes de les jornades sobre normes i normalització lingüística
| | Authorship: | Pérez Moragon, Francesc Antoni (pres.) | | Colomina Castanyer, Jordi | | Colón Domènech, Germà | | Ferrando Francesc, Antoni | | Gifreu, Josep | | Gimeno Betí, Lluís Other | Pages: | 216 | Size: | 15 x 21 | Edition: | 1 (1994) | Price: | 9,92 € | Language: | | Binding: | Rústica | Support: | paper | Thanks to the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Normes de Castelló, in 1932, Germà Colón, Rafael L. Ninyoles, Joan Solà and Vicent Pitarch propose some future ideals such as linguistic normalisation in the mass media, a normative syntax or questions pending about normalisation. |
| Other: | | Keown, Dominic | | López Blasco, Andreu | | Meseguer Pallarés, Lluís Bartomeu | | Michavila Pitarch, Francesc | | Mollà, Antoni | | Ninyoles, Rafael | | Pitarch Almela, Vicent | | Puiggene, Ariadna | | Sánchez Adell, José | | Solà Cortassa, Joan |